Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias
Stroke and other vascular diseases
Depression and other psychiatric disorders
1.4 ORAL
2. Risk factors
Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias
Cognitive impairment
Psychiatric disorders
3. Functioning
Disability in activities of daily living
Cognitive functioning in dementia and psychiatric disease
Cognitive functioning in ageing
Well being
4. Natural History
Natural history of dementia
Mortality in the general population
5. Pharmacoepidemiology
6. Care
Family care
Ethical aspects
7. Health economics
& Licentiate Theses
K, Bäckman L, Winblad B, Fratiglioni L. Detection of Alzheimer´s
disease and dementia in the preclinical phase: population-based cohort
study. BMJ 2003;326:245-247 (website version:
Agüero-Torres H. Epidemiology of vascular dementia: summary of
the findings from the Kungsholmen project. Research and Practice in
AD 2001;5:69-75.
Agüero-Torres H, Winblad B. Alzheimer’s disease and Vascular
Dementia: Some points of confluence. Ann NY Acad Sci 2000;309:547-552.
Berger K, Breteler MM, Helmer C, Inzitari D, Fratiglioni L, Trenkwalder
C, Hofman A, Launer LJ. Prognosis with Parkinson's disease in europe:
A collaborative study of population-based cohorts. Neurology 2000;54:S24-7.
Fratiglioni L, Launer L, Andersen K, Breteler MMB, Copeland JRM et
al. Incidence of dementia and major subtypes in Europe: A collaborative
study of population-based cohorts. Neurology 2000; 45(suppl 5):10-15.
Frisoni GB, Fratiglioni L, Viitanen M, Fastbom J, Winblad B. Cognitive
impairment no dementia in the elderly and physical health. J Gerontol
Med Sci 2000;55:322-328.
Jagger C, Andersen K, Breteler MM, Copeland JR, Helmer C, Baldereschi
M, Fratiglioni L, Lobo A, Soininen H, Hofman A, Launer LJ. Prognosis
with dementia in Europe: A collaborative study of population-based
cohorts. Neurology 2000;54:S16-20.
Lobo A, Launer LJ, Fratiglioni L, Andersen K, Di Carlo A, Breteler
MM,Copeland JR, Dartigues JF, Jagger C, Martinez-Lage J, Soininen
H, Hofman A. Prevalence of dementia and major subtypes in Europe:
A collaborative study of population-based cohorts. Neurology 2000;54:S4-9.
de Rijk MC, Launer LJ, Berger K, Breteler MM, Dartigues JF, Baldereschi
M, Fratiglioni L, Lobo A, Martinez-Lage J, Trenkwalder C, Hofman A.
Prevalence of Parkinson's disease in Europe: A collaborative study
of population-based cohorts. Neurology 2000;54:S21-3.
Small BJ, Fratiglioni L, Viitanen M, Winblad B, Bäckman L. The
course of cognitive impairment in preclinical Alzheimer’s disease.
Three- and 6-year follow-up of a population-based sample. American
Medical Association 2000;57:839-844.
Winblad B, Wimo A, Möbius HJ, Fox JM, Fratiglioni L. Severe dementia:
a common condition entailing high costs at individual and societal
levels. (Editorial) Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 1999;14:215-222.
Berger A-K, Fratiglioni L, Forsell Y, Bäckman L. The occurrence
of depressive symptoms in the preclinical phase of Alzheimer’s disease:
A population-based study. Neurology 1999;53:1998-2002.
von Strauss E, Viitanen M, De Ronchi D, Winblad B, Fratiglioni L.
Aging and the occurrence of dementia. Findings from a population-based
cohort with a large sample of nonagenarians. Arch Neurol 1999;56:587-592.
Wang HX, Ericsson K, Winblad B, Fratiglioni L. The human figure drawing
test as a screen for dementia in the elderly: A community-based study.
Arch Gerontol Geriatr 1998;27:25-34.
Ericsson K, Hillerås P, Sundell M-L, Winblad B. Human-Figure-Drawings
from age 4 to 104 and in people with impaired cognition. International
Journal of Practical Approaches to Disability 1998;21:8-14.
Herlitz A, Small BJ, Fratiglioni L, Almkvist O, Viitanen M, Bäckman
L. Detection of mild dementia in community surveys: Is it possible
to increase the accuracy of our diagnostic instruments? Arch Neurol
Small B, Viitanen M, Bäckman L. Mini-Mental State Examination
item scores as predictors of Alzheimer’s disease: Incidence data from
the Kungsholmen Project, Stockholm. J Gerontol Med Sci 1997;52:299-304.
Small BJ, Herlitz A, Fratiglioni L, Almkvist O, Bäckman L. Cognitive
predictors of incident Alzheimer’s disease: A prospective longitudinal
study. Neuropsychology 1997;11:413-420.
Ericsson K, Hillerås P, Holmén K, Winblad B. Human Figure
Drawing (HFD) in the screening of cognitive impairment in old age.
J Med Screen 1996;3:105-109.
Ericsson K, Forsell LG, Holmén K, Viitanen M, Winblad B. Copying
and handwriting ability in the screening of cognitive dysfunction
in old age. Arch Gerontol Geriatr 1996;22:103-121.
Herlitz A, Hill RD, Fratiglioni L, Bäckman L. Episodic memory
and visuospatial ability in detecting and staging dementia in a community-based
sample of very old adults. J Gerontol Med Sci 1995;50A:107-113.
Ericsson K, Hillerås P, Holmén K, Jorm A, Forsell LG,
Almkvist O, Rönnberg L, Winblad B. A short human figure drawing
scale for evaluation of suspect cognitive dysfunction in old age.
Arch Gerontol Geriatr 1994;19:243-251.
Fratiglioni L, Jorm AF, Grut M, Viitanen M, Holmén K, Ahlbom
A, Winblad B. Predicting dementia from the Mini-Mental State Examination
in an elderly population: The role of education. J Clin Epidemiol
Grut M, Fratiglioni L, Viitanen M, Winblad B. Accuracy of the Mini-Mental
State Examination as screening test for dementia in a Swedish elderly
population. Acta Neurol Scand 1993;87:312-317.
Grut M, Jorm AF, Fratiglioni L, Forsell Y, Viitanen M, Winblad B.
Memory complaints of elderly people in a population survey: variation
according to dementia stage and depression. J Am Geriatr Soc 1993;41:1295-1300.
Jorm AF, Fratiglioni L, Winblad B. Differential diagnosis in dementia:
Principal components analysis of clinical data from a population survey.
Arch Neurol 1993;50:72-77.
Fratiglioni L, Viitanen M, Bäckman L, Sandman P-O, Winblad B.
Occurrence of dementia in advanced age: The study design of the Kungsholmen
Project. Neuroepidemiology 1992;11(suppl 1):29-36.
Fratiglioni L, Grut M, Forsell Y, Viitanen M, Winblad B. Clinical
diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias in a population
survey. Agreement and causes of disagreement in applying DSM III-R
criteria. Arch Neurol 1992;49:927-932.
Forsell Y, Fratiglioni L, Grut M, Viitanen M, Winblad B. Clinical
staging of dementia in a population survey. Comparison of DSM III-R
and the Washington University Clinical Dementia Rating Scale. Acta
Psychiatr Scand 1992;86:49-54.
Fratiglioni L, Grut M, Forsell Y, Grafström M, Holmén
K, Eriksson K, Viitanen M, Bäckman L, Ahlbom A, Winblad B. Prevalence
of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias in an elderly urban population:
Relationship with age, sex and education. Neurology 1991;41:1886-1892.
Carlo A, Launer LJ, Breteler MM, Fratiglioni L, Lobo A, Martinez-Lage
J, Schmidt R, Hofman A. Frequency of stroke in Europe: A collaborative
study of population-based cohorts. Neurology 2000;54:S28-33.
Schmidt R, Breteler MM, Inzitari D, Fratiglioni L, Hofman A, Launer
LJ. Prognosis with stroke in Europe: A collaborative study of population-based
cohorts. Neurology 2000;54:S34-7.
Zhu L, Fratiglioni L, Guo Z, Basun H, Corder EH, Winblad B, Viitanen
M. Incidence of dementia in relation to stroke and the apolipoprotein
E e4 allele in the very old. Findings from a population-based longitudinal
study. Stroke 2000;31:53-60.
Zhu L, Fratiglioni L, Winblad B, Viitanen M. Incidence of stroke in
relation to cognitive function and dementia in the Kungsholmen project.
Neurology 2000;54:2103-2107.
Zhu L, Fratiglioni L, Guo Z, Agüero-Torres H, Winblad B, Viitanen
M. Association of stroke with dementia, cognitive impairment, and
functional disability in the very old. A population-based study. Stroke
Agüero Torres H, Fratiglioni L, Lindberg J, Winblad B. Hypertension
in the elderly population: prevalence data from an urban area in Sweden.
Aging (Milano) 1994;6:249-255.
AK, Fratiglioni L, Winblad B, Bäckman L. Alzheimer´s disease
and depression: Preclinical comorbidity effects on cognitive functioning.
Cortex in press.
Berger A-K, Fahlander K, Wahlin Å, Bäckman L Negligible
effects of depression on verbal and spatial performance in Alzheimer's
disease. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2002;13:1-7.
Berger A-K, Small BJ, Forsell Y, Winblad B, Bäckman L. Preclinical
symptoms of major depression in very old age: a prospective longitudinal
study. Am J Psychiatry 1998;155:1039-1043.
Forsell Y, Jorm AF, Winblad B. The outcome of depression and dysthymia
in a very elderly population: results from a three-year follow-up
study. Aging & Mental Health 1998;2:100-104.
Forsell Y, B Winblad. Feelings of anxiety and associated variables
in a very elderly population. Int J Geriat Psychiatry 1998;13:454-458.
Forsell Y, Henderson S. Epidemiology of paranoid symptoms in an elderly
population. Br J Psychiatry 1998;172:429-432.
Forsell Y, Winblad B. Major Depression in a Population of Demented
and Non-demented Elderly People: Prevalence and Correlates. J Am Ger
Soc 1998;46:27-30.
Forsell Y, Jorm AF, Winblad B. Suicidal thoughts in the elderly and
associated factors - Data from a total population based study. Acta
Psychiatr Scand 1997;95:108-111.
Forsell Y, Winblad B. Anxiety disorders in non-demented and demented
elderly. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1997;62:294-295.
Forsell Y, Winblad B. Psychiatric Symptoms in a Total population of
Very Elderly: Data from Physician Examinations and Informant Reports.
J Aging Mental Health 1997;1:238-242.
Y, Jorm AF, von Strauss E, Winblad B. Prevalence and correlates of
depression in a population of nonagenarians. Br J Psychiatry 1995;167:61-64.
Forsell Y, Jorm AF, Winblad B. Outcome of depression in demented and
non-demented elderly: observations from a three-year follow-up in
a community-based study. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 1994;9:5-10.
Forsell Y, Jorm AF, Fratiglioni L, Grut M, Winblad B. Application
of DSM-III-R criteria for Major Depressive episode to elderly subjects
with and without dementia. Am J Psychiatry 1993;150:1199-1202.
Forsell Y, Jorm AF, Winblad. Variation of psychiatric and behavioural
symptoms in different stages of dementia: data from physicians'
examinations and informants' reports. Dementia 1993;4:282-6.
Oral Health
D.E., et al., Dental caries in persons over the age of 80
living in Kungsholmen. Community Dent Health, 2002(19): p. 262-267.
Morse, D.E., et al., Prosthetic crowns
and other clinical risk indicators of caries among old-old Swedish
adults. Gerodontology, 2002. 2(19):
p. 51-57.
CX, Fratiglioni L. Epidemiology of cerebrovascular disease related
cognitive decline. International Psychogeriatrics in press.
Qiu CX, Kivipelto M, Winblad B, Fratiglioni L. Relation of apoE genotypes
to incident Alzheimer’s disease in the Kungsholmen Project: Does it
vary by age and gender? JNNP in press.
Anttila T, Helkala EL, Viitanen M, Kareholt I, Fratiglioni L, Winblad
B, Soininen H, Tuomilehto J, Nissinen A, Kivipelto M. Alcohol drinking
in middle age and subsequent risk of mild cognitive impairment and
dementia in old age: a prospective population based study. BMJ 2004;329:539.
Bunce D, Fratiglioni L, Small B, Winblad B, Bäckman L APOE and
cognitive decline in preclinical Alzheimer disease and non-demented
aging. Neurology. 2004;63:816-21.
Bunce D, Kivipelto M, Wahlin Å. Utilization of cognitive support
in episodic free recall as a function of apolipoprotein E and vitamin
B12 or folate among adults aged 75 years and older. Neuropsychology.
Huang W, Qiu C, von Strauss E, Winblad B, Fratiglioni L. APOE genotype,
family history of dementia, and Alzheimer disease risk: a 6-year follow-up
study. Arch Neurol. 2004;61:1930-4.
Karp A, Kåreholt I, Qiu CX, Bellander T, Winblad B, Fratiglioni
L. Relation of education and occupation-based socioeconomic status
to incident Alzheimer's disease. Am J Epidemiol 2004;159:175-183.
Qiu C, von Strauss E, Winblad B, Fratiglioni L. Decline in blood pressure
over time and risk of dementia: a longitudinal study from the Kungsholmen
project. Stroke 2004;35:1810-5.
Qiu CX, Karp A, Winblad B, Fratiglioni L, Bellander T Occupational
exposure to electromagnetic fields and risk of Alzheimer's disease.
Epidemiology. 2004 Nov;15(6):687-94.
Qiu CX, Kivipelto M, Agüero-Torres H, Winblad B, Fratiglioni
L. Risk and protective effects of the APOE gene towards Alzheimer's
disease in the Kungsholmen project: variation by age and sex. J Neurol
Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2004;75:828-33.
Johansson N, Basun H, Winblad B, Nordberg M. Relationship between
mercury concentration in blood, cognitive performance and blood pressure,
in an elderly urban population. Bio Metals 2002;15:189-195.
Qiu CX, von Strauss E, Fastbom J, Winblad B, Fratiglioni L. Low blood
pressure and risk of dementia in the Kungsholmen Project: A 6-year
follow-up study. Arch Neurol 2003;60:223-228.
Qiu C, Winblad B, Fastbom J, Fratiglioni L. Combined effects of APOE
genotype, blood pressure, and antihypertensive drug use on incident
AD. Neurology 2003;61:655-660.
Qiu CX, Winblad B, Viitanen M, Fratiglioni L. Pulse pressure and risk
of Alzheimer disease in persons aged 75 years and older: A community-based,
longitudinal study. Stroke 2003;594-599.
Huang W, Qiu C, Winblad B, Fratiglioni L. Alcohol consumption and
incidence of dementia in a community sample aged 75 years and older.
J Clin Epidemiol 2002;55:959-964.
Qiu CX, Karp A, Bellander T, Winblad B, Fratiglioni L. Lifetime principal
occupation and risk of Alzheimer disease in the Kungsholmen Project.
Am J Indust Med 2003;43:204-211.
Wang H-X, Karp A, Winblad B, Fratiglioni L Late-Life Engagement in
Social and Leisure Activities is Associated with a Decreased Risk
of Dementia: A Longitudinal Study from the Kungsholmen Project, Am
J Epidemiol 2002;155:1081-1087.
Wahlin Å, Bäckman L, Hultdin J, Adolfsson R, Nilsson, L-G.
Reference values of vitamin B12 and folic acid in a population-based
sample of adults between 35 and 80 years of age. Journal of Public
Health Nutrition 2002;5:505-511.
Guo Z, Fratiglioni L, Viitanen M, Lannfelt L, Basun H, Fastbom J,
Winblad B. Apolipoproten E e4 allele and the risk of dementia and
Alzheimer's disease in a community population aged 75 years and older:
variation by use of antihypertensive medication? Am J Epidemiol 2001;153:225-231.
Guo Z, Qiu CX, Viitanen M, Fastbom J, Winblad B, Fratiglioni L. Blood
pressure and dementia in persons 75+ years old: 3-year follow-up results
from the Kungsholmen Project. J Alzheimer Dis 2001;3:585-591.
Qiu C, Bäckman L, Winblad B, Agüero-Torres H, Fratiglioni
L. The influence of education on clinically diagnosed dementia. Incidence
and mortality data from the Kungsholmen Project. Arch Neurol 2001;58:2034-2039.
Wang H-X, Wahlin Å, Basun H, Fastbom J, Winblad B, Fratiglioni
L. Vitamin B12 and folate in relation to the development of Alzheimer’s
disease. Neurology 2001;56:1188-1194.
Nordberg M, Winblad B, Fratiglioni L, Basun H. Lead concentration
in elderly urban people related to blood pressure and mental performance;
Results from a population-based study. Am J Ind Med 2000; 38: 290-294.
Fratiglioni L, Wang H-X, Ericsson K, Maytan M, Winblad B. Influence
of social network on occurrence of dementia: a community-based longitudinal
study. Lancet 2000;355:1315-1319.
Guo Z, Viitanen M, Winblad B, Fratiglioni L. Low blood pressure and
incidence of dementia in a very old sample. Dependent on initial cognition.
J Am Ger Soc 1999;47:723-726.
Guo Z, Fratiglioni L, Zhu L, Winblad B, Viitanen M. The occurrence
and progression of dementia in a community population aged 75 years
and over: in relation to use of antihypertensive medication. Arch
Neurol 1999;56:991-996.
Lilius L, Froelich S, Basun H, Forsell C, Axelman K, Mattila K, Andreadis
A, Viitanen M, Winblad B, Fratiglioni L, Lannfelt L. Increased risk
of Alzheimer's disease due to Tau Gene Polymorphisms and Apolipoprotein
E e4. Neuroscience letters 1999;277:29-32.
Wang H-X, Fratiglioni L, Frisoni GB, Viitanen M, Winblad B. Smoking
and the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease: cross-sectional and longitudinal
data in a population-based study. Am J Epidemiol 1999;149:640-644.
Fratiglioni L, Viitanen M, von Strauss E, Tontodonati V, Herlitz A,
Winblad B. Very old women at highest risk of dementia and Alzheimer's
disease. Incidence data from the Kungsholmen Project, Stockholm, Neurology
Guo Z, Viitanen M, Fratiglioni L, Winblad B. Low blood pressure and
dementia in elderly people: the Kungsholmen project. BMJ 1996;312:805-808.
Corder EH, Basun H, Lilius L, Corder L, Viitanen M, Winblad B, Lannfelt
L. Alzheimer's disease risk in relation to a1- antichymotrypsin and
apolipoprotein E polymorphism in very old adults age 75+. Alzheimer's
Res 1996;2:51-54.
Corder EH, Basun H, Lannfelt L, Viitanen M, Winblad B, Strittmatter
WJ, et al. Apolipoprotein E-e4 gene dose. Lancet 1995;346:967.
Lannfelt L, Lilius L, Nastase M, Viitanen M, Fratiglioni L, Eggertsen
G, Berglund L, Angelin B, Linder J, Winblad B, Basun H. Lack of association
between apolipoprotein E allele e4 and sporadic Alzheimer's disease.
Neurosci Letts 1994;169:175-178.
Basun H, Fratiglioni L, Winblad B. Cobalamin levels are not reduced
in Alzheimer's disease. Results from a population-based study. J Am
Geriatr Soc 1994;42:132-136.
Basun H, Lind B, Nordberg M, Nordström M, Sparring-Björkstén
K, Winblad B. Cadmium in blood in Alzheimer's disease and non-demented
subjects. Results from a population-based study. Biometals 1994;7:130-134.
Fratiglioni L, Ahlbom A, Viitanen M, Winblad B. Risk factors for late
onset Alzheimer's disease: A population-based case-control study.
Ann Neurol 1993;33:258-266.
Ronchi D, Faranca I, Borderi M, Manfredi R, Lunardi A, Fratiglioni
L. Risk factors for cognitive impairment in HIV-1 infected persons
with different risk behaviors. Arch Neurol 2002;59:812-818.
Hassing L, Wahlin Å, Winblad B, Bäckman L. Further evidence
for the effects of vitamin B12 and folate status on episodic memory
functioning: A population-based study of very old adults. Biol Psychiatr
Small BJ, Basun H, Bäckman L. Three-year changes in cognitive
performance as a function of apolipoprotein E genotype: Evidence from
very old nondemented adults. Psychology and Aging. 1998;13:80-87.
Zhu L, Viitanen M, Guo Z, Winblad B. Blood pressure reduction, cardiovascular
diseases and cognitive decline in the Mini-Mental State Examination
in a community population of normal very old people: a three year
follow-up. J Clin Epidemiol 1998;51:385-391.
Guo Z, Viitanen M, Winblad B. Clinical correlates of low blood pressure
in the very old: The importance of cognitive impairment. J Am Geriatr
Soc 1997;45:701-705.
Guo Z, Fratiglioni L, Winblad B, Viitanen M. Blood pressure and performance
on the Mini-Mental State Examination in the very old: Cross-sectional
and longitudinal data from the Kungsholmen project. Am J Epidemiol
Wahlin Å, Bäckman L, Hill RD, Winblad B. Mätning av
folsyra och vitamin B12 hos äldre: Låga serumvärden
ger sämre minne. Läkartidningen 1997;94:2177-2182.
Wahlin Å, Hill RD, Winblad B, Bäckman L. Effects of serum
vitamin B12 and folate status on episodic memory performance in very
old age: A population-based study. Psychol Aging 1996;11:487-496.
EH, Basun H, Fratiglioni L, Guo Z, Lannfelt L, Viitanen M, Corder
LS, Manton KG, Winblad B. ApoE alleles determine survival after a
diagnosis of heart disease or stroke at age 85+. Ann NY Accad Sc 2000;908:295-298.
Basun H, Corder E, Guo Z, Lannfelt L, Corder L, Manton K, Winblad
B, Viitanen M. Apolipoprotein E polymorphism and stroke in a population
sample aged 75 years or more. Stroke 1996;27:1310-1315.
Corder EH, Basun H, Lannfelt L, Viitanen M, Winblad B. Attenuation
of apolipoprotein E e4 allele gene dose in late age. Lancet 1996;347:542.
Y, Basun H, Corder E, Lannfelt, Winblad B. Psychotic Symptoms and
Apolipoprotein E Genotypes in an Elderly Population. Biological Psychiatry
Forsell Y, Corder EH, Basun H, Lannfelt L, Viitanen M, Winblad B.
Depression and dementia in relation to Apolipoprotein E Polymorphism
in a population sample age 75+. Biol Psychiatry 1997;42:898-903.
Strauss E, Aguero-Torres H, Kåreholt I, Winblad B, Fratiglioni
L. Women are more disabled in basic actitivity of daily living than
men only in very advanced ages. A study on disability, morbidity and
mortality from the Kungsholmen project. J Clin Epidemiol 2003;56:669-677.
Aguero-Torres H, Thomas V, Winblad B, Fratiglioni L. The impact of
somatic and cognitive disorders on the functional status of the elderly.
J Clin Epidemiol 2002;55:1007-1012.
Agüero-Torres H, Hillerås PK, Winblad B. Disability in
activities of daily living in the elderly. Curr Opin Psychiatry 2001;14:361-365.
von Strauss E, Fratiglioni L, Viitanen M, Forsell Y, Winblad B. Morbidity
and co-morbidity to functional status: A community-based study of
the oldest-old (90+ years). J Am Geriatr Soc 2000;48:1462-1469.
Agüero Torres H, Fratiglioni L, Guo Z, Viitanen M, von Strauss
E, Winblad B. Dementia is the major cause of functional dependence
in the elderly. Three-year follow-up data from a population-based
study. Am J Public Health 1998;88:1452-1456.
Hill RD, Bäckman L, Fratiglioni L, Winblad B. Determinants of
functional ability in dementia. J Am Geriatr Soc 1995;43:1092-1097.
Forsell Y, Jorm AF, Winblad B. Association of age, sex, cognitive
dysfunction, and disability with major depressive symptoms in an elderly
sample. Am J Psychiatry 1994;151:1600-1604.
Holmén K, Ericsson K, Andersson L, Winblad B. ADL capacity
and loneliness among elderly persons with cognitive functional impairments.
Scand J Prim Health Care 1993;11:56-60.
S, Laukka EJ, Fratiglioni L, Bäckman L. Differential verbal fluency
deficits in the preclinical stages of Alzheimer's disease and vascular
dementia. Cortex in press.
Bäckman L, Jones S, Berger A-K, Jonsson Laukka E, Small BJ. Multiple
cognitive deficits during the transition to Alzheimre´s disease.
J Intern Med 2004;256(3):195-204.
Jonsson Laukka E, Jones S, Fratiglioni L, Bäckman L. Cognitive
functioning in preclinical vascular dementia: A six-year follow-up.
Stroke 2004;35:1805-1809.
Jones S, Jonsson Laukka E, Small BJ, Fratiglioni L, Bäckman L.
A preclinical phase in vascular dementia: Cognitive impairment three
years before diagnosis. Dem Geriatr Cognit Disord 2004;18:233-239.
Jonsson Laukka E, Jones S, Small BJ, Fratiglioni L, Bäckman L.
Similar patterns of cognitive deficits in the preclinical phases of
vascular dementia and Alzheimer´s disease. JINS 2004;10:382-91.
Bäckman L, Jones S, Small BJ, Aguero-Torres H, Fratiglioni L.
Rate of cognitive decline in preclinical Alzheimer's disease: the
role of comorbidity. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci 2003;58(4):P228-36.
Small BJ, Jones S, Jonsson E, Bäckman L. Cognitive deficits in
preclinical Alzheimer´s disease. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica
Fahlander K, Wahlin Å, Almkvist O, Bäckman L. Cognitive
functioning in Alzheimer´s disease and vascular dementia: Further
evidence for similar patterns of deficits. Journal of Clinical and
Experimental Neuropsychology 2002;24:734-744.
Hassing L, Small BJ, von Strauss E, Fratiglioni L, Bäckman L.
Mortality-related differences and changes in episodic memory among
the oldest old: evidence from a population-based sample of nonagenarians.
Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition 2002;9:11-20.
Jones S, Small BJ, Fratiglioni L, Bäckman L. Predictors of cognitive
change from preclinical to clinical Alzheimer´s disease. Brain
and Cognition 2002;49:210-213.
Bäckman L, Small B, Fratiglioni L. Stability of the preclinical
episodic memory deficit in Alzheimer’s disease. Brain 2001;124:96-102.
Small BJ, Fratiglioni L, Bäckman L. Canaries in a coal mine:
Preclinical cognitive markers of Alzheimer's disease. Arch Gen Psychiatry
2001; 58: 859-860.
Almkvist O, Fratiglioni L, Agüero-Torres H, Viitanen M, Winblad
B. Cognitive support at episodic encoding and retrieval: Similar patterns
of utilization in community-based samples of Alzheimer's disease and
vascular dementia patients. J Clin Exp Neuropsychology 1999;21:816-830.
Bäckman L, Small BJ. Influences of cognitive support on episodic
remembering: Tracing the process of loss from normal aging to Alzheimer’s
disease. Psychol Aging 1998;13:267-276.
Small BJ, Bäckman L. Predictors of longitudinal changes in memory,
visuospatial and verbal performance in very old demented adults. Dementia
Hassing L, Bäckman L. Patterns of episodic memory in population-based
samples of patients with Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia.
Dementia 1997;8:376-383.
Small BJ, Viitanen M, Winblad B, Bäckman L. Cognitive changes
in very-old demented persons: The influence of demographic, biological
and psychometric variables. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol 1997;19:245-260.
Bäckman L. Utilizing compensatory task conditions for episodic
memory in Alzheimer’s disease. Acta Neurol Scand 1996;93:109-113.
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